Second trimester: Training for a marathon

I am a totally kinesthetic person. When I am grounded and in my body, I have infinitely more endurance. When my body is in shape, I have infinitely more strength. It really hit me this week how much different this process will be if I am in shape. So finally, after much hemming and hawing and procrastination, I finally joined the Y and went swimming a couple times.

I have been thinking of it as training for a marathon. Somehow thinking of it this way makes it easier to get over to the gym…or to skip the fries (god, grease is yummy right about now)…and get sleep when I want to go out to a party but my butt is dragging.

Today, my yoga teacher said that, when she was in labor, she danced a lot. She said belly dancing started as a way for women in labor to expedite the process. How unbelievably awesome is this???!!! What a frikking great way to do it! I wonder if Alta Bates allows DJs in the birthing rooms?

and on the 12th week…

God said, “Let there be no more nausea, or fatigue! And let you not feel the crazy ass mood swings! Let you start feeling the mental and physical benefits of no alcohol or caffeine! And let you feel like your body is once again something you know and like, as opposed to an alien fleshbag from another planet.”
God, who was feeling particularly verbose went on to add, “Let you now have a good excuse to get some new clothes! Let you not fret about the cute clothes that may or may not ever fit again. And definitely let you spring for good shoes since the ones you have are already a little too tight and you are gonna thank Me later for the all-important back support!”

Finally, He added, “And with your new-found energy, let there be dancing, and funky house music, and costumes and Burning Man Decompression, for the bean’s vestibular system is developing right now, and you cannot give it enough of the utter bliss of the Almighty Groove — now and forever…”

And with that, He was gone.